Ranch Mogador is an ecotourism horse riding enterprise

Whilst traveling in Morocco recently, I came across a small windy seaside village of Sidi Kaouki, just south if Essaouira, on the west coast of Africa. Sidi Kaouki's major claim to fame is the fact that Jimmy Hendrix came for a visit for two days. It is very closely knit but open community that has its fair share of colorful characters and a magic that seems to glue you to the place. It was common to hear people's stories how they came for a couple of days and have stayed for years. So, the trouble is not getting there the predicament is getting away because of the beautiful fresh environment, the warm hospitality of this open community and the magnificent people that treat you like family.

Ranch Mogador is an ecotourism horse riding enterprise offering short rides, day rides with picnics and a range of long distant and extensive excursions that venture out into the wildness of Morocco. If you are planning a trip to Morocco I would like to strongly suggest that you visit Sidi Kaouki and venture out with the wonderful horses and their owners on an adventure that will make you want to return time and time again.
